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WhatequipmentdoyouneedtosetupaFrenchfriesplant?-Yotofoodprocessmachines,de secadode hornopara la venta


¿Qué equipo necesita para montar una planta de papas fritas??

La instalación de una planta de patatas fritas implica varios equipos para garantizar una producción eficiente y de alta calidad. Here’s a list of essential equipment you would typically need:
1. Ascensor: Se utiliza para la elevación y el transporte de materiales. Las patatas se pueden verter fácilmente en la tolva manualmente, and the material can be continuously and evenly lifted to the next process through the conveyor belt, which saves a lot of labor and is convenient and practical.
2. Cleaning and peeling machine: The potatoes that come in can be cleaned and peeled, and the materials are fed and discharged at the same time, which can work continuously.
3. Picking belt: To pick and repair the cleaned and peeled potatoes. If there are any bad ones, they need to be picked out.
4. Potato cutter machine: Put the peeled and clean potatoes into the feeding port continuously, and the French fries will be automatically cut out.
5. Rinsing machine: Wash the starch of French fries.

6. Blanching machine: Blanch and fix the color of French fries, and add food additives.
7. Cooling machine: Cool the blanched French fries to prevent sticking.
8. Air-cooled dehydrator: Dry the moisture on the surface of the blanched French fries for frying.
9. Frying machine: Fry French fries. The temperature can be automatically controlled and it can work continuously.
10. Deoiling machine: Take off the oil on the surface of fried French fries.
11. Picking belt: Blow the French fries to cool for packaging, and pick unqualified fries.
12. Seasoning machine: Season the selected French fries.
13. Packing machine: Pack French fries.
Our French fries production equipment is complete in specifications and quality, y todos los indicadores cumplen o superan las normas nacionales. Nuestros productos son populares tanto en el país como en el extranjero. We have realized one-stop service for design, manufactura, instalación, depuración, Capacitación técnica. Welcome to contact us for details.



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